
10 supplements to keep your brain sharp

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Beauty From the Inside Out

When it comes to beauty, your skin and body are a direct reflection of what you put into it.  While many people think expensive wrinkle creams, botox and even plastic surgery are the answers, there is a more natural approach you [ ... ]

Nutrition and Vitality

Vitality encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being, reflecting a person’s overall health and dynamism. People with high vitality typically exhibit enthusiasm, vigor, and the capacity to handle stress and challenges [ ... ]

Travel Tips For Food and Fitness: How to not fall off the wagon when on vacation

So, you’re finally taking your dream vacation. You’ve booked your flight, packed your bags, and you’re ready to hit the road. Before you go, there’s something you need to think about. No, it’s not which tourist attractions [ ... ]

Beyond the Plate: Lifestyle Tips for Menopause Wellness 

Rise and shine with sunshine  If menopause has been messing with your sleep, kickstart your day with a quick stroll in the daylight outdoors. It’s like hitting the reset button for your body clock, aka your circadian rhythm. [ ... ]

How to get the most from the Persona wellness app

Lasting wellness is about so much more than vitamins. It’s about the countless little actions you take every day. Whether it’s adding a few greens to your dinner plate, taking a walk at lunchtime or just putting down your phone [ ... ]

7 fun ways to boost your energy 

If sluggish has become your baseline, you’re far from alone. With our late night, early morning, always-on lifestyles, it only makes sense that many of us feel tapped out.   While coffee, cold brews and other caffeinated [ ... ]

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