Blue light and eye health

Blue light and eye health

Blue light is essential during the day

Everyone knows how great it feels to walk outside on a sunny day. And that’s not just because we’re in quarantine. It’s because the spectrum of visible light we see stimulates us. And some of that is blue light. Even though blue light seems to be getting a bad rap these days, it’s actually essential for good health. The blue light we get from the sun boosts alertness, helps support memory and cognitive function, and elevates our mood. It also regulates our circadian rhythm—the body’s natural wake and sleep cycle. So, exposure to blue light during the day is great.


Get rid of blue light at night

When we have an issue with blue light is at night. How do we get blue light at night, you might ask? Our devices. Normally, the pineal gland in our brain begins to release melatonin a couple of hours before bedtime. But the pineal gland is also hooked up with our optic nerves. So, when we get blue light from our devices, that blue light tells the pineal gland not to release melatonin. That’s why watching movies on our tablet or scrolling through our phone in bed may make it harder to fall asleep and makes us wake up feeling sleepier—even after eight hours of good shuteye.

If you want good sleep, it’s important to restrict blue light at night. And while there’s a lot of hype around blue light glasses, there’s no great consensus they’re helpful. It’s simple. If it’s dark, the pineal gland will start to work and do its job. If you get blue light, it will shut off.


How to counteract blue light

  1. Use blackout curtains. Your room should be pitch-black dark so your pineal gland starts working, releasing the melatonin you need to sleep better. Ever notice every good hotel has blackout curtains? It’s so you sleep better.
  2. Put your laptop, tablet, phone, etc. away before you go to bed. It will take some practice, but trust me, it will be worth it.
  3. If needed consider taking a long-acting, slow-release melatonin. If the goal is to improve the release of melatonin in your body, you can take a melatonin supplement. Melatonin can also be important to help regulate time zone changes. But it’s always best to take a long-acting, slow-release melatonin. If you take a short acting, it will peak and be gone. Melatonin is also a very powerful antioxidant, helping refresh the body and the immune system, so when you wake up, you feel refreshed.


Supplements for your eyes

If you’re worried about eye strain on top of the blue light absorption, we know the cells in our eyes are full of long-chain healthy fat, DHA Omega-3. Taking a DHA supplement will help support the overall health of the retinal cells. Most people also don’t get enough Omega-3, so Persona’s DHA supplement is a great add on for all those Omega-3 DHA fatty acids, essential for eye and brain health.


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