The Power of Positive Thinking: 14 Positive Mantras

The Power of Positive Thinking: 14 Positive Mantras

In this New Year, try to remember “You are what you eat and you are indeed what you think!”  You do not have to be a yogi to practice positive thinking or to create a personal mantra.  Anyone, and that includes you, can practice positive thinking and develop a personal mantra. Please take a moment today to do so.

Here are a few to get you going!

  1.  “I can do all things.”
  2. “I have the patience to follow through with my dreams and desires.”
  3. “I will flow through my day happily.”
  4. “I love and honor myself.”
  5. “I practice moderation and feel great because of it.”
  6. YES!”
  7. “The now is what matter most.”
  8. “I am all that I need to be in this moment.”
  9. “I speak the truth to myself and others, such is the key to growth and change.”
  10. Wisdom, humility and practicality serve in all my decisions.”
  11. “I am capable of healthy change.”
  12. “I care about all others and will share with all others.”
  13. “Kindness, kindness and more kindness is key.”
  14. “I do things differently so that they positively impact me and my family.”

If you believe it, you can be it!  Do not doubt yourself, your power or the power of positive thinking!  I believe in you, now you do the same! Get your positive self going, and mantra, mantra, mantra it!!



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