Ten Tips For Self-Motivation and Success

Ten Tips For Self-Motivation and Success
  1. Be willing to change and leave your comfort zone. The greatest barrier to success and reaching your full potential is the comfort routine and sameness offer.  We must be excited about new opportunities, new experiences, new challenges, new assignments, new people and new places. Amazing things happen when you open your world to the new and unexpected.  Embrace the new and warmly embrace new people.  New people grow and change us and we need new people to motivate, support and challenge us.  So, be open and willing to change always.
  2. Never ever be afraid to fail. Failure is normal, needed and a part of accomplishment we tend to overlook.  Failure ensures you figure out the right way to do something.  Failure does not mean you stop.  You never stop, you keep going and going until you do get “it” right, and even then, you keep making improvements.  There is no such word as “done”.  When something is finished, the evolution towards better and better begins.  Failure is the first step, and more times than not, the second, third and fourth step in the process to amazing success.
  3. Expand your horizons.  Do not limit yourself.  Branch out.  Do not put yourself in a box or place a label on who you are.  You are everything and you can do anything.  We can all achieve our greatest goals.  Not just other people, You, Me, Anyone. We all can as long as we are willing to do the work, invest the time and practice.  This starts with realizing that we do not need self-containing parameters or unhealthy self-limiting thoughts.  Make yourself a horizon expanding mantra, such as “I am Capable of All Things” and repeat, repeat, repeat.
  4. Make the active decision to be HAPPY.  Make it a habit to smile, to treat yourself and others with respect and to yes, be happy.  If you think it, you will be it.
  5. Invest in yourself always and before investing in others.  Yes, this is a bit selfish sounding but it really is not at all.  Investing in yourself allows you to be the best, healthiest, most confident and capable person for everyone else you come into contact with. Simple investments like purchasing a water filter for your home, buying needed vitamin and mineral supplements, learning yoga, joining a gym, going for a long walk and taking a weekend to just relax are all examples of self-investments needed to be a healthier, happier and more motivated you.
  6. If you want something.  Make it happen.  Finish what you start from A to Z and do not give up.  If you practice this and follow through with all you do, your mind and body will respond with more confidence and a better ability to focus.  This creates motivation and an increased appreciation for accountability and timeliness.  You will find yourself better equipped to get things done and others will notice an increase of quality and workmanship in all you do.  When others notice positive changes within us, this sends a tremendous boost of motivation our way.
  7. Dream big.  Once again, to stay motivated, we need to be ok with change, get out of our comfort zone, break down the walls of dysfunctional self-sabotage thinking and take all parameters off of ourselves.  Break out, dream big and stay grounded. You can do this.  Dreaming big means you have begun to really believe in yourself.  Draft a plan. Take small steps. Make changes along the way.  Be true to you stay real and before you know it, those big dreams are in hands reach.
  8. Be Joyful in all you do and be Thankful for every person and experience along the way.  Meditate on these words and put them into practice as soon as possible.  The power of practicing Joy and practicing Thanks actually changes how our cells function!  This is amazing science based on the power of good intentions.  Intend for this now!
  9. Be in the NOW.  We cannot control the future or the past.  We can only do what is in the now. We can only be in the now.  To be present and to work towards our goals, we must discipline ourselves to let go of the past and to not predict the future but to be in this present moment.
  10. Do what is right because it is right.  And doing what is right is not always easy, comfortable, quick or painless.  But, if we strive to and always practice doing what is right because it is the very best thing to do, our conscience will be clear and with that our motivation and determination to grow and excel increases.  Guilt, shame, dishonesty and lack of integrity hold us back.  We need to do right, make peace with what we cannot change and do our very, very best to follow through all we do with excellence.



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This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information from this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this article.

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