Chowing Down On Chia Seeds!

Have you had Chia yet? My hope is that you have! Chia is a natural super food that does so much good for your body and your mind.

To begin, chia has more omega-3 fatty acids in a 3.5 tablespoon serving than a typical serving of salmon offers. This not only nourishes your body, it treats the brain! Omega-3’s are helpful in treating mood disorders, especially depression.

Furthermore, two tablespoons of chia seed provide 7 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, and 205 mg’s of potassium! That is such a great dose of natural, plant-based and healthy energy to protect and boost your wellness!

You can use chia in many ways, including adding chia to your smoothies, drinks, puddings and yogurt. Chia has little to no taste, so it lends to most everything you chose to pair it with. Get creative, using chia in your daily diet will nourish your body, elevate your mood, regulate your appetite and stabilize your blood sugar levels!  Now that is excellent news!!

Go ahead and give chia a try. Eat chia, drink chia and combine chia with all your favorite foods….enjoy!



  1. Guevara-Cruz, M., Tovar, A. R., Aguilar-Salinas, C., Medina-Vera, I., Gil-Zenteno, L., Hernández-Viveros, I.,  Torres, N. (2012). A dietary pattern including nopal, chia seed, soy protein, and oat reduces serum triglycerides and glucose intolerance in patients with metabolic Syndrome1-4. The Journal of Nutrition, 142(1), 64-9. Retrieved from
  2. Ross, B. M., Seguin, J., & Sieswerda, L. E. (2007). Omega-3 fatty acids as treatments for mental illness: which disorder and which fatty acid? Lipids in Health & Disease, 621-39. doi:10.1186/1476-511X-6-21
  3. Coates, W. (2012). Chia: The complete guide to the ultimate superfood. Sterling Publishing: New York, NY.
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