5 Ways to Rock More Confidence

Low self-image can hold us back from living the life that we want. Poor self-confidence can hurt your chances of landing a job or being considered for a promotion, hinder your relationships with others, and affect your overall health and well-being. Confidence can help you to take on the world with more energy and determination and a feeling of being connected with your surroundings. A positive attitude results from feeling good about yourself and knowing that your place in the world is important and meaningful.

These 5 tips will help you harness the power of your thoughts and beliefs to rock your self-confidence and own the healthy life that you deserve!

1.  Move your Body.  Exercise or healthy movement helps us with physical confidence. Research has linked any kind of movement, from cardio to strength training to stretching, to greater body confidence. When you exercise, the body releases chemical substances known as endorphins which relieve stress and make you feel good physically and psychologically. Remember that you don’t have to go out for an intense run to get these benefits, taking an easy walk with your dog also works, the key is just to get your body moving.

2.  Practice Mindfulness.  Mindfulness is a way of living your life so that you are in the present moment more often with acceptance. Acceptance in this context doesn’t mean that you necessarily approve of your experience, but that you simply acknowledge the present experience without judging it. Meditation, yoga, or prayer can help you tap into mindfulness and the emotions resulting from feeling more connected to yourself and your environment.

3.  Be Kind to Yourself.  Stop the “Fat Talk” and self-deprecating comments. Women often compare themselves to others: “You are so tiny, and I’m so fat.” Challenge and then replace “Fat Talk.” You can practice this by converting negative thoughts into positive ones. Try to treat yourself with kindness and encouragement, as you would with a dear friend. Over time your positive internal voice will become stronger and it will be easier to squash self-deprecating thoughts when they appear.

4.  Reinforce Positive Messages.  Focus on creating a supportive environment. Get rid of your scale and jeans that don’t fit. Take a timeout from friends’ “perfect life” Facebook posts or anything else that destroys your self-confidence. Leave positive messages on sticky notes around your home, such as “You are beautiful” or “You are a rock-star!”  Find a positive mantra that speaks to you and repeat it, often.

5.  Find and Nurture Your Support Team.  Confident people do not “trash talk” each other. Sometimes those who are closest to us are not necessarily the most supportive people. Surround yourself with friends who bring positive support into your life and nurture those relationships. And make sure to support them too- praising someone else’s strengths and healthy habits can make everyone feel more confident.


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