Coping with Holiday Stress

The holidays are a busy exciting time – shopping, decorating, cooking, family and social activities etc.  However, the holidays aren’t always a happy time.  Sometimes we can be stretched too thin and left exhausted, or Read more...

Reduce Your Risk for Prostate Cancer

What is the prostate and what is prostate cancer? The prostate is a gland found only in the male body and it is responsible for producing some of the fluid in semen. Simply put, cancer can occur in any part of the body when cells Read more...

The Hunger Scale for GERD Relief

Acid reflux is considered a normal physiological response when the sphincter connecting the stomach and esophagus relaxes and allows stomach acid to flow up into the esophagus, this can occur in adults as well as children. If this Read more...

Love Your Liver’s Ability to Detox

The liver is the largest organ in the body and has many functions. Think of it like a processing mega-center.The intake and distribution of nutrients occurs in the liver and it also is the detox hub of the body. Love your liver: Read more...

Calcium Oxalate Stones Diet

Kidney stones are small crystalline formations within the kidney. There are different types of kidney stones and your doctor can tell you what type you have. Depending on the type you have the dietary recommendations will vary. Read more...

Probiotic Power

A Healthy Gut May Lead to a Healthy Mind Your intestines house about ¾ of your total immune system.  That means if we want our bodies to be healthy, we need to keep the friendly bacteria in our guts happy by eating lots of fiber Read more...

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