How to Take a Statin With Confidence

If you have been put on any one of the medications commonly referred to as Statins, don’t worry dooms day has not set in. Statin medications have well the documented beneficial effect of lowering LDL cholesterol. Let’s take [ ... ]

Healthy with Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association in 2012 approximately 29.1 million Americans were living with  diabetes mellitus. (1) Diabetes is a complex mix of symptoms and there are multiple types of diabetes. The most common [ ... ]

An Eye on Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is thought to be brought on by a reduction in blood perfusion to the eye as a result of constant damage to blood vessels in the eye caused high blood glucose. For this reason tight glucose control is helpful [ ... ]

A Focus on Lowering Triglycerides

If you have high triglycerides you have probably heard to avoid trans-fats, sugar and alcohol. Yes, this is true. It is important to reduce dietary and lifestyle factors in that can have a negative impact on triglycerides. However, [ ... ]

Phytonutrients and Insulin Sensitivity

Diets high in processed meat, sugar and refined grains increase a persons’ risk for developing type 2 diabetes. However, diets high in plant nutrients may reduce a persons’ risk of developing type 2 diabetes by reducing inflammation, [ ... ]

Top 3 Healing Spices

You have probably heard that food is medicine, and I wholeheartedly believe this is true! Natural remedies made from homegrown herbs, produce, and spices have been a source of relief throughout human history. One of most underutilized [ ... ]

Super Spirulina

Spirulina is a dark green algae that grows on the surface of lakes.  The ancient Aztecs used superfood Spirulina as an important source of nutrients in their diets by drying it into cakes. Today you can find dried Spirulina powder [ ... ]

Detoxifying Foods For Spring

If you are looking to spring clean your body, here is a wonderful list of the foods and drinks helping you to get clean from the inside out! Detoxifying is not only healthy for your body, it is refreshing, cleansing, energizing [ ... ]

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