Nutritionist spotlight: Madison


A key member of our Research and Development team, Madison has a passion for women’s health. She holds a degree in Nutritional Sciences from Texas A&M University and leverages that expertise to tackle the barriers faced by many women seeking reliable information about nutrition. Her work is to be an advocate, to help them feel empowered in their health. 

I sat down and got to know her a little better.  

How did you get into nutrition? 

Holistic nutrition has always been a part of my life because of my mother. When she was pregnant with me, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was told to terminate my life for her safety, but instead she turned to her faith and to holistic wellness—alongside her western treatments. Thanks to her determination and her openness to holistic thinking, my mother recovered and gave us both the chance at a long and healthy life, which I’m forever grateful for!  

As I grew older and saw the impact that both adequate and inadequate nutrition had on the people around me, I developed an interest in the role nutrient intake has on genetic expression. I became enamored with providing nutrition literacy to people from all walks of life, which ultimately brought me to Persona! 

What’s your biggest nutrition pet peeve? 

I think my biggest peeve is the perception that the keto diet is safe for everyone—and that keto means eating an excessive amount of meat and cheese.  

If you don’t already know, keto was first developed for children with epilepsy, and since then, has been studied to help with neurodegenerative illnesses. While keto might help in these cases, that doesn’t mean it’s healthy for everyone. Your diet should be safe, sustainable and customized to your goals, lifestyle and health needs. If you’re looking for a new diet plan, it’s best to connect with a nutritionist to learn what’s right for you.   

What advice would you give to someone who’s struggling to make healthy changes? 

Rome wasn’t built in a day! Research shows that habits take around 66 consecutive days to build…which can be really hard. Rather than changing all your habits at once, choose one to focus on—then move on to the next. Remember: you’re only human.  

I once worked with someone who struggled with eating meals at home; they just loved fast food (who doesn’t like the convenience?). But instead of trying to change their entire life overnight, we started with just one home-cooked meal a week. Starting small and seeing success helps with developing consistency. 

What’s your favorite supplement? 

I love MANY different supplements, but one of my favorites has to be fish oil! It has so many applications: prenatal nutrition, brain health, heart health, immune health, eye health—it’s a wonderful fit for so many people (myself included)! 

What’s your favorite snack and why?  

This changes on a weekly basis, but if I had to choose right now, I would go with apples and almond butter with some cacao nibs sprinkled on top. Whenever I want something a little sweet that also has fiber, protein, healthy fats and carbs, this snack is a great way to go. Easy and nutritious!  

What does your average weekend look like? 

An average weekend looks like a bubble bath on Friday evening, heaps of church activities, time with family and friends at a baby shower (lots of those these days), family dinners—and wedding planning! 

Tell us something surprising about yourself. 

I LOVE horseback riding! Getting out in nature and giving myself some clear headspace and exercise is a must! Also, I’m marrying into an Israeli family in April so I’m currently learning Hebrew—It’s achla! 😉 

Check out Madison’s blogs and follow her on IG @nutritionist.madison

Reach out to Madison or one of our experts if you have questions about your supplements or program. You can also book a complimentary appointment at a time that’s convenient for you.  


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