Healing Herbs for Women

Isn’t it wonderful to be a woman?  We are naturally gifted with intuition, empathy, and the ability to bring forth and nourish life.  Thanks to female hormones, we also have unique health issues.  Natural herbs are now being Read more...

7 Habits of Healthy Couples

1. They focus on the positive.  It is easy to get annoyed at your partner because he forgot to take your dry-cleaning out for you (again) or because she never puts her coffee cup in the dishwasher after finishing her morning cup Read more...

Super Spirulina

Spirulina is a dark green algae that grows on the surface of lakes.  The ancient Aztecs used superfood Spirulina as an important source of nutrients in their diets by drying it into cakes. Today you can find dried Spirulina powder Read more...

Homemade Coconut Oil Deodorant

Looking for an inexpensive, natural alternative to store-bought, chemical laden deodorant? Look no further than your kitchen! Making your own natural coconut oil deodorant is easy and fun. Coconut oil is excellent for use in beauty Read more...

Detoxifying Foods For Spring

If you are looking to spring clean your body, here is a wonderful list of the foods and drinks helping you to get clean from the inside out! Detoxifying is not only healthy for your body, it is refreshing, cleansing, energizing Read more...

Caramelized Brussels Sprouts

Unlike most vegetables, Brussels sprouts are actually high in protein, accounting for more than a quarter of their calories! Do you have childhood nightmares about eating mushy, flavorless Brussels sprouts? This recipe will help Read more...

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