Not a fan of fish burps?

The benefits of fish oil continue to be studied, yet some people struggle with the fish burps associated with these capsules. There are a few simple strategies that can be used to reduce your fish oil supplements repeating on you: Read more...

Blue light and eye health

Blue light is essential during the day Everyone knows how great it feels to walk outside on a sunny day. And that’s not just because we’re in quarantine. It’s because the spectrum of visible light we see stimulates Read more...

Love, sex, and immunity

Social distancing is being practiced far and wide right now as a way to help #flattenthecurve and it appears to be working. It’s also giving couples more opportunities to support their immunity through intercourse. That is right—while Read more...

Are you a sleep eater?

What could you possibly have in common with Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Charles Dickens, Cary Grant, and Marilyn Monroe? If you toss and turn during the night, rather than sleep like a baby, you might be bedfellows with Read more...

Making the Best of Aging

As my body raced full-speed into the “golden years”, or the “rust years” as I like to call them, I started thinking about how I could maintain my health as I aged. As a physician I had seen the effects of aging first hand Read more...

The Post-Pregnancy Diet

Whether you breastfeed or not, the secret to post-pregnancy nutrition is to gradually lose weight while maintaining or restocking nutrient stores. All nutrition experts agree that the best place for a new mother to get all the essential Read more...

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