4 Ways To Make Exercising Easy

When it comes to being fit, whether it is the start of your journey or continuing down the path, some of the biggest obstacles come from life happening around you. We often are filled with excuses because we are tired, but activity [ ... ]

Fall Outdoor Exercise Ideas

The weather is turning a bit colder, the leaves are falling and there are lots of ways you can get your exercise outside before it gets too ugly. Multiple studies have shown the benefits of being outdoors including boosting energy, [ ... ]

A Mindfulness Journey: Introduction

Last year I lost a parent. At times I found myself swallowed with grief – a gurgling fountain of emotion including anxiety. A friend recommended mindfulness. I thought, “What in the world is mindfulness? Where do I even [ ... ]

The Benefits of Goal Journaling

I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge “New Year’s resolution” goal setter. I tend to get a little too competitive with myself. It’s either go big or go home, black or white, no in between. In the recent years, I have been working [ ... ]

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