Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a diet that has recently gained just as much popularity as it has skepticism and criticism. Some swear by it claiming that this is not just a fad diet, but a life-altering approach to food. Others are not [ ... ]

Love, sex, and immunity

Social distancing is being practiced far and wide right now as a way to help #flattenthecurve and it appears to be working. It’s also giving couples more opportunities to support their immunity through intercourse. That is right—while [ ... ]

What to Look for in Vegan Vitamins

Yes, it is true that a vegan diet can be a very healthy lifestyle choice (and let’s be honest, it’s better for the planet too)! Plants and plant-based foods provide a wide variety of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. [ ... ]

Best multivitamins for men

Although we all have basic nutrient needs to be met, there are a few key ingredients that men should keep an eye out for when researching the right multivitamin. Young or old, active or not, sometimes you don’t always get everything [ ... ]

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