What to Look for in Vegan Vitamins

Yes, it is true that a vegan diet can be a very healthy lifestyle choice (and let’s be honest, it’s better for the planet too)! Plants and plant-based foods provide a wide variety of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. [ ... ]

The Cost of Good Health

There is an unfortunate scenario I run into all too often at my pharmacy counter. A patient comes in—newly discharged from the hospital following a heart attack or leaves their doctor’s office with a diagnosis of type 2 [ ... ]

Diet Through The Decades

A woman’s nutritional needs are as unique as her smile, the color of her eyes, or her sense of humor. Those needs change as she ventures through life, navigating her childbearing years and approaching menopause. Luckily, most [ ... ]

Health Tips for Summertime

Summer is approaching and that means warm weather, vacations, and kids home from school. Keep your family healthy and safe this summer with these simple tips.   Hydrate Every cell and tissue in your body needs water to function [ ... ]

8 Supplements for Anti Aging

We’re all looking for the fountain of youth and that one thing we can do to slow down aging. Unfortunately, there isn’t just one thing we can do. We all know that choosing whole foods, prioritizing exercise and sleep, and getting [ ... ]

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